Preparing v2 with our latest release v1.2

Today, we are excited to unveil the latest version of seven23: v1.2.0. This release marks a significant milestone in our journey towards the highly anticipated major release v2 expected later this year. It brings together all the envisioned features from our first version, setting the stage for the next phase of our application's evolution.

[1.2.0] - 2023-07-06

🛠 Improvements

  • Handle uncaught exception with a bug report view (#84)
  • Implement a developer mode in app (#85)
  • Refactor the settings panel using react-router (#88)
  • Different icon between current and next version (#92)
  • List of categories includes a no category value (#94)
  • Confirmation view for your encryption key (#95)
  • Run e2e with local docker backend (#112)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix Snackbar manager not working if no account (#87)
  • Dashboard crash (#108)
  • Add missing 'No category label' on mobile list of category (#111)
  • Fix npm install by updating dependencies (#113)

Our primary focus will now lies in enhancing the user experience through a refreshed and modernized user interface.

To keep up with our progress on the highly anticipated v2.0.0 release, you can directly follow our milestones on GitHub.

Written by Sébastien Barbier